Abbottabad International Medical & Dental College follows Rules and Regulations as per the directives of Pakistan Medical & Dental Council and Khyber Medical University in letter in spirit;
1. A student enrolled in any PMDC recognized Medical or Dental institute is allowed to transfer in the same program at the same level to a notified vacant seat available in the college.
2. Students are allowed to apply against the notified vacant seats with immediate effect.
3. Students shall apply online for transfer on vacant seats.
4. For transfer in 1st Year MBBS, MDCAT score would determine merit.
5. For transfer from foreign country NEB score will be considered for merit.
6. College will display the list of all students applying for transfers (to or from the college) on its website.
7. College shall notify the final list of students who have transferred to and the colleges from which the students has transferred out to the Authority by 30th April, 2022.
8. Migration from a private medical college/institute to public sector college/institute shall not be processed. However, migration from any public sector college/institute to another private sector college/institute shall be permissible. Furthermore, migration from one private college/institute to another private college/institute shall also be allowed.
9. No transfer shall be accepted by a college to a vacant seat until reviewed by the Authority to ensure transparency.